The Economic Impact of Preserving Historic Buildings

GBX Group has engaged Rutgers Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy to study the economic impacts of GBX’s historic preservation properties in urban markets throughout the U.S. The school is one of the nation’s key centers for the theory, practice, and research of these impacts through the deployment of their proprietary R/ECON™ input-output (I-O) model. Rutgers has long been involved in the study of the economic impacts of historic preservation, having produced the Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for the National Park Service. GBX has also partnered with PlaceEconomics to complete impact studies in Columbia, SC and Columbus, OH.

National Park Service
Federal Tax Incentives for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2022

The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program, administered by the National Park Service in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Offices, is the nation’s most effective program to promote historic preservation and community revitalization through historic rehabilitation.

National Park Service
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credits for Fiscal Year 2022

Beyond the National Park System, the National Park Service (NPS) through its Cultural Resources, Partnerships, and Science programs is part of a national preservation partnership working to promote the preservation of historic resources in communities small and large throughout the country.

Del Monte Apartments
Del Monte Apartments, Columbus, OH

The historic 1905 Del Monte Apartments were built by Philip Lindenbergy and designed by Charles W. Bellows. Strategically located, the building reflects a trend from many of Ohio’s urban centers in the early...

2125 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH
2125 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH

Long empty and neglected, the 1914 Prince-Wolf Co. garment factory has been rehabilitated into 2125 Superior Living consisting of a 57-unit, 40,000 square foot mixed-use residential and…

Municipal Light Plant, Columbus, OH
Municipal Light Plant, Columbus, OH

The Municipal Light Plant Building is comprised of two connected structures that served the City of Columbus for over seven decades. Originally constructed in 1903, the plant provided power to streetlights, homes, and…