NEWARK, OHIO - On Tuesday evening, October 15th, Heritage Ohio held their Annual Awards ceremony at the Midland Theatre in Newark, Ohio, as the opening of their annual conference. Over 100 nominations were received for 11 awards. The awards honor Ohio’s best projects, places, and people who create lasting impacts through historic preservation and community revitalization.
The recipient of this year’s Young Ohio Preservationist of the Year Award is Jack Newton of Cleveland. The Young Ohio Preservationist of the Year Award is awarded to an individual under the age of 40 that has shown outstanding leadership in revitalizing and preserving Ohio communities.

Jack Newton began his historic preservation career in August 2019 as a Project Manager at GBX Group. In his first year, he oversaw the acquisition of 14 historic buildings, including a former YWCA in Nashville that was converted into housing. Jack’s role required close collaboration with non-profits focused on saving historic buildings, leading him to join GBX’s Community Development team.
His most notable achievement has been organizing the inaugural National Summit on Historic Preservation Easements, where he coordinated speakers, developed content, and moderated panels, ensuring open community discussions. His success in this role led to an invitation to moderate at the National Alliance of Preservation Commissioners’ annual conference in 2024.
Jack is also active in Preservation Action, where he helps shape policy and strategies for federal legislation and appropriations. Outside of work, Jack is involved with the Urban Land Institute, where he has taken a leadership role in the Redevelopment and Reuse Product Council, studying adaptive reuse practices in major cities like Toronto, Los Angeles, and New York City.
Heritage Ohio prompts economic growth through the preservation and revitalization of downtowns and neighborhoods across Ohio. Heritage Ohio is the designated statewide Ohio preservation partner with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Through saving the places that matter we can all build a community and live better. Learn more about how to get involved by visiting
Contact: Matt Wiederhold
Phone: 419-320-2105